
Consultation & Corporate Programming Support

Individual & Corporate CBT Coaching

Change Management Solutions

Mental Health & Wellness Services

Speaking Engagements

Customized Workshops

One small change in your approach to humanity within your team has the power to ignite a ripple effect of positive transformation.

We believe in creating a supportive and nurturing environment where mental health, respect, genuine leadership, self awareness, and overall well being are prioritized -not treated like an afterthought. 

Looking for something that we don’t have listed? We love challenges and are very comfortable with our strengths. Please reach out with your request and we will be happy to design something specifically for you, or refer you if it is outside of our expertise.

Some areas we offer support in:

  • Employee Experience Support

  • Employee Experience Surveys & Data Analysis

  • Creating Workplace Culture that works for your Team

  • Holistic Wellbeing - Physical / Emotional / Spiritual / Mental wellness 

  • Remote Wellbeing

  • Employee Retention

  • Leadership Enhancement for both teams and individuals 

  • Individual or Corporate CBT Consulting and Guidance

  • Emotional Intelligence - From Assessment to Actionable Steps

  • Mental Health First Aid (Virtual and On Site)

Consultation and Corporate Programming Support

Our comprehensive solutions encompass various aspects of wellbeing in the workplace, enabling you to cultivate a culture of holistic wellness among your employees. We partner with you to develop a robust foundation that encompasses various strategies and programs, tailored to your organization's unique needs.

Mental Health First Aid Training

Mental Health First Aid training is a nationally recognized certification through the Mental Health Commission of Canada.

It's a valuable resource that equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to provide crucial support to those in need. Offered both on-site and virtually, our Mental Health First Aid training provides essential tools and expertise which enhance your organization’s mental health initiatives. 

Together, let's unleash the transformative power of mental health in the workplace. One small change, one ripple effect at a time.

At One Small Stone, we understand the significance of mental health in the workplace. In a post-pandemic world, where corporate culture is rapidly evolving as more industries move towards a hybrid or  work from home model, mental health training and mental health awareness are becoming increasingly important.

Jenny is an amazing, inspiring, vulnerable woman, and I’m so grateful I had the chance to take the Mental Health First Aid course with her as the facilitator. I wish everyone could learn from Jenny because our world would be a much, much better place. I’ve been struggling with many of the topics we discussed in class and life felt a little bit lighter hearing you normalize many of the things I’ve been going through. I know how hard it is to do the work and she is killing it! Jenny was able to share a lot of personal lived experiences which made things relatable, and if we could all learn to get help and manage ourselves as she has, again- the world would be a much better place. Thank you Jenny!
— Amy Jonker - Customer Experience Manager, Air Canada

Areas of Expertise

  • We conduct customized surveys to measure employee satisfaction, sentiment,engagement and overall experience. Our data analysis provides actionable insights to help improve workplace culture and employee retention.

  • Creating workplace culture that works for your team: Our team of experts work with you to build a culture that aligns with your organizational values and supports employee growth and engagement.

  • We offer holistic wellness services that focus on the physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental wellbeing of employees, leading to a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce.

  • We provide customized remote wellbeing resources to ensure employees feel supported and connected to their work, teams, and the organization.

  • Our retention strategies are designed to help identify and address key drivers of employee turnover, leading to higher retention rates, increased employee satisfaction, and better overall performance.

  • Our emotional intelligence assessment and training programs develop effective communication, conflict resolution, and collaboration skills for employees and teams.

    The ultimate goal of our Emotional Intelligence training is that the individual and team are able to moderate their own attitudes and behaviour, and learn the skills of developing the ability to recognize and change their own self-limiting behaviors and beliefs.

  • Many employees experience high levels of stress in the workplace and at home, which negatively impact their productivity and overall well-being. Effective stress management interventions exist, but many times are inaccessible due to insufficient numbers of mental health providers, long waiting times to initiate care, high out-of-pocket cost of care, and stigma related to receiving therapy.

    Principles of cognitive behaviour allow people to develop a greater capacity to focus, have improved self awareness, and a supported process that helps them feel more in control of their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Through techniques such as goal-setting, visualization, and self-reflection, cognitive behavioural facilitation can help individuals and companies identify and overcome distractions, develop stronger concentration skills, and ultimately improve their lifestyle both personally and professionally.

    Our model of education focuses on the skills of Reflection & Self Awareness, Goal Setting, Consistent Check In’s, and creating actionable follow up plans that don’t leave the individual feeling alone and left behind when the coaching is complete.

Corporate Speaking

Available for Speaking Events:

One Small Stone is well versed in speaking engagements. We welcome the opportunity to speak at your event. From 5 people to 500 we are experienced with many crowd pleasing reviews. 

Topics for speaking engagements include, Mental Health, Corporate Wellbeing, A people first approach to HR, Change Management, Bringing your Authentic Self to work. 

We bring a personal approach to the stories we share and the experience we have lived while offering thought provoking takeaways on how to be an amazing human. 

Event Types:

  • Lunch and Learns

  • Conference Guest Speaking

  • Team Meetings/Team Events

  • Corporate Networking Events

Contact us to inquire about our availability!